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Thoughts & Inspiration

it’s not too often that i do this but i want to share with you something that’s been on my mind. maybe more like, what God has been teaching me especially in these last few weeks. sometimes i think he teaches me things that are for me, but not for me to keep to myself. i guess you could say this is a mini lesson on life from a guy that is still trying to figure out life… dangerous right? but maybe this is for you…

it seems like in the last, probably the last year or so, some crazy things have happened in my life. things that have left me thinking, “huh? wait what? you, you’ve got to be kidding me?” and the more i look around, the more i see that’s probably been the story for a lot of people. If we go even larger scale, we see some major tragedies have happened in the last year or so: earthquakes, typhoons, tornadoes, etc. Things that leave us asking “why?” This is not the blog where i make my disillusioned prediction that the world is going to end. sorry, ain’t gone happen! But i want to share a couple statements of truth that has helped keep me through this journey we call life.

God’s in control. 

When it comes down to it, this is what matters. He is in control. As much as we desire to be in control or maybe even at times, think we are in control, we aren’t. Our plans fail, people fail us. A saying that rings true in the Philippines is, “expect the unexpected.” Maybe it’s not just a saying for the Philippines though… Things happen that leave me just shaking my head in disbelief. Sometimes I even laugh. A lot of the times i think “God what? How could this happen? Why does this happen?”  It’s almost our go to response when things don’t go as we expected, “why God!” And His answer for me over this past year has been a pretty simple one, 

“because you can trust me, because i love you.”

that kind of shuts up all my questions. i mean, what can you really say to that? Good one God. You win. Again… I’ve been reading here recently in a couple different books, and i’ve been gaining a better understanding of how great it is that I’m not in control. See we get this sense that we are in control and get these great ideas of what should be happening and then they get torn to shreads and thrown away and we are left here with nothing. Left seconding guessing with what i could’ve, should’ve and would’ve. We can go crazy with this thinking until we finally realize that God’s in control and he has been the whole time. We must find comfort in understanding that we aren’t in control and that God is. Do you realize that God’s not worried or even shaken by a “problem” or “struggle” that we’re going through? He cares, oh does he care, but he’s not worried. He sees the big picture. He knows the grand plan. He knows exactly why you’re going through it, He’s going through it with you and even better, He knows the story of redemption the He has already been planned out. As a wise man once said, “hang in there.”

so if thats you, i just want to encourage with one last truth. It’s found in Romans 8:28 and it’s pretty simple. You’ve probably read it before but maybe you don’t know it yet.

in all things God works for the good

 of those who love him

Read it again. (do it!) it says “in all things.” memorize this. “He is working for my good.” He is at work for my good. Maybe not necessarily how we planned it or imagined it, but it’s for our good. when you can’t go on, declare it over yourself. “He is working for my good.” When you are tempted to ask “why?” instead thank Him, “God, I thank you that you are working out all things for my good!” Starting today, live like you believe it. Have freedom in knowing that its true. “He is working for my good!”


  1. Ryan you are growing in wisdom. Growing in the heart and mind of God. He is doing a great work in you and through you!

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