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Purple Pants Boy

We like to start every morning with listening prayer. Its simply asking God to speak to us. It’s a very simple concept and extremely Biblical but for some reason I had never really practiced regularly it till earlier this year.…

a change in perspective

I have been woken up in numerous ways over my past two months in Haiti. Some of the ways are the pretty standard; alarm clocks, doors closing, people talking. I’ve also been woken up by some of the finer things…

The Haitian Welcome

       As I landed in Port Au Prince on May 31st the most adorable, shy, young lady sitting next to me in her broken English said, “Welcome to my country.” It was definitely one of those “Aww” moments.…

In just five months.

       Its been a little over five months since the 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. Over 3 million lives changed in just 30 seconds and more than 200,000 lives lost. You probably can remember where you were when…

who is this ryan guy?

I just read what I posted in June of 2010 and it seems like a few things may have changed since then. Let’s make this a little more accurate: My name is still Ryan Bodine but now I’ve got a…

my name is temba

Saneebonanee! (or hello!) friends! I’m in Swaziland, Africa right now… crazy right? The village we are living in is called Timbutini which literally translates to “too many goats” and the name couldn’t be more fitting. They are all over the…