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If we
had to agree upon one name that has been synonymous with dreaming over nearly
the last 50 years, it’s obvious that Martin Luther King Jr. would be that man.
His “I Have a Dream” speech was
ranked the top American speech of the 20th
century by scholars of public address in 1999. Many people believe that this
very speech, spoken in front of the Lincoln Memorial, in front of 200,000
people, was the defining moment in the American Civil Rights Movement. For the
majority of my generation, this is what we know most about MLK Jr. He had a

propose to you that what made this speech so effective is not his charismatic
delivery, nope. It was not that it was given by Martin Luther King Jr. It was
not even that he had a dream. You see, many of us have dreams. It’s something
that has been instilled in us from a young age. How many of you said, “When I
grow up I want to be a ________?” Simple and plain, you had a dream. What made
his speech so effective was that there was much more than a dream. Along with
the dream came a vision and a plan.

different would it have been if MLK Jr. gave this great speech than did nothing
about it? Here is a huge injustice that he is addressing, he is very passionate
about, but he let the enormity of it hold him back. Think about the negative
ramifications that came along with his dream: It would to be too hard. It would
take a miracle for things to change! People were going to hate him! What if he
allowed all that to intimidate him to simply having a dream? The dream remains
simply that, a dream.

just dreaming. Dreams are absolutely
useless unless they become a reality. God made us to be dreamers! He made us to
have these passions and desires. He has instilled those dreams inside us and he
wants us to step forward in faith to fulfill them. We must say, “Yes, this is going to be hard, but if
God is for me who can be against me? Yes this seems impossible, but all things
are possible with God! Yes people might hate me, but people are supposed to
because they hated him first!” The scary “uncertain” questions, have bold
powerful answers! It’s time to wake up and stop just dreaming!


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