
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It’s time for me to go. Where you ask? The Philippines. As
you read this, it’s very possible that I’m flying over the Pacific Ocean
wondering, “what am I getting myself into?” No, this is not just another trip
I’m going on. I’m not just adding another country’s stamp to my passport. That
has no appeal to me whatsoever. This isn’t even what I’m doing for now, as I
try to “figure life out.” I’ve awoken to
a dream
and the dream is becoming a reality.

You see over the past year I’ve been exposed. In Swazi, I
sat bedside and watch first hand as a woman died from AIDs. I held this
precious baby girl (with the softest afro-hair) that was left in the hands of a
stranger by her mother; a baby with no name and no hope for the future. In Haiti,
I walked into orphanages and immediately had little hands filling my hands with
theirs. Little human beings that were
starved for love and just dying to
be touched.

Now that I’ve been exposed, I can’t
continue on with a “normal life.” It’s just not possible. If I said “welp, too
bad them,” and continued on my way, then I’d say that it’s ok with me. I’d be
saying that that is their 
own problem. It
is not ok with me.
It is not ok with that children are being sold into slavery. It’s not ok with me
that children are given guns and
told to kill their families. It’s not ok with me that 10s of thousands of children are dying daily from malnutrition.
Even worse, is that children are dying every day because they aren’t loved…

Yes, it’s impossible to fix the world’s problems but we are called to play our part! I have
a God-given role to fulfill and I’ve got to do it. I am not a talented man. I
don’t have any cool stupid human tricks and I really don’t excel in many areas.
But there is one thing that God has gifted me with. I have a sensitive heart
that loves well. I can hold that baby as she falls a sleep. I can say, “great
job!” and “I’m so proud of you.” I can love.

I have a
: To one day open up an
orphanage in Africa for children and widows
. Why? Because they need each
other! A child needs love and the widow needs someone to love. It’s beautiful! We can fulfill what we are commanded to do in James 1:27 “look after orphans and widows in their distress,” by giving them
each other.

Step one of
the journey: I’ll be spending the next 3 months in the Philippines apprenticing
with a missionary named Jeff Long. Jeff’s ministry has opened and
operates multiple children’s homes throughout the Philippines. While there, I
will be spending my time in the children’s homes learning first hand the in’s
and out’s of how an orphanage operates. I’ll be learning things like how do they begin, how do you bring sustainability to them and how to
avoid learning things the hard way. Small questions that have huge answers! Working
under Jeff is the perfect first step.

How can you be
apart? You can support the dream
financially. I need that. This has got to be the only “career” that consists of
extremely long days, away from everything comfortable that requires you to rely
on people to support you. My benefit package only kicks in once I get to
heaven. If you are passionate about
caring for the orphans and widows
and want to be apart of supporting the dream financially, you can click
“support me” at the top and follow the few steps to do so. My program is
fittingly categorized as, “unknown.” I also desperately need you to be praying for me. While finances get me
there and keep me fed, it’s your prayers that keep me going. I look back
over my time in Swazi, Haiti and Brazil and know that I couldn’t have survived
without your prayers. It is overwhelming to know that people are constantly
praying for me. I could never thank you enough.

The dream is about to begin…



9 responses to “Let’s do this! (part 3)”

  1. Ryan, I am so touched by your heart and your desire to serve the Kingdom. My friend, I am proud of you! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey!

  2. Ryan,
    You are changing lives, young man! You are making an impact that could resonate beyond the plane of this life into eternity. What an incredible journey you are embarking on. Walk boldly! Be strong and courageous!

  3. Ryan, Thank you for answering God’s call. And praise God for His love in your heart that you are willing to share.

  4. Oh Ryan, I am so excited about what God is doing in your life. Praying for sure! Maybe Mike and i will join you in Africa, Lord willing.

  5. Oh my! I am so, so excited to see what God has in store for you. Our family will pray. We have a real heart for missions, widows and orphans around here. P.S. One of our six kiddos is adopted from Guatemala. I had the privilege of living there for six months with a few of our kids while we waited on the adoption to finalize.

  6. thank you for all the encouragements and prayers. i couldn’t do this without you guys. you are a blessing to me.

  7. Hey Ryan,
    David and I know of orphanages in Africa that care for orphans and widows- so if Africa is where you land in the future- there are models there we know of.
    We just got back from Africa and are moving back there after about 2 months here in the US to close up camp.
    Proud of you for making these steps.
    Keep on keeping on in Him!

  8. It’s two years later (almost to the day – I’m very interested in this fact at this moment), you are in Uganda – last puzzle piece from God. Be very interesting to see what the puzzle looks like. I like puzzles and comprehend very well, because of experience, that life can seem like a great big puzzle that God is working into an amazing 3D Kingdom reality here on earth. Praying you’ll see the dream in the puzzle very soon. Hope to see you in Uganda! Cheers!